Be the change you want to see in the world...

sâmbătă, 27 martie 2010

Oh yeah....good old fairytales

When we're kids we like to listen to fairy tales,we like to play wth dolls...that's what makes us feel we rule the world and that everything will be perfect one day. Everything seems fine right? WRONG!We listen to fairytales and then we expect to live them one day...we start searching every day for perfection everywhere around us...I should know about perfection.My favourite fairytale is "The Little Prince" in which he loved a  single perfect red rose.But somehow I grew up and I've learned there is more to life than this.The rose was perfect because it was the only one...and after seeing something other than that he realized the rose wasn't perfect at was actually pround and selfish.But he still loved his own way...
Because there comes a day when we realize that things are not perfect,people are not perfect and most important of all,people are not quite as you dream them to be...and you should never have something concrete in your mind before really getting to know that person cuz you're throwing an amazing unnecessary weight on one's shoulders.
Just because one's not exactly how you wish him/her to be does not mean he/she is not worth it.It's funny...some people want everything to be exactly how they see it,and it's a shame because they lose everything in between.Seeing just want you want to see, knowing just want you want to know,hearing just what you want to hear is a waste of time and energy,you live for nothing makes you rust inside!And the only one that loses is yourself!Not the judged one...because he/she is in peace with himself/herself and goes on breathing the fresh air of freedom!
And I'm glad we got to this part...because loving someone or just caring is all about letting go when necessary but holding on for when you're needed.Affection is not a golden cage in which you lock somebody up!It means handing them the wings and courage  to fly so they get back to you someday...and that will be the day you realize it's worth it!
So...perfection does not exist but you can make it be whenever you want ....but that requires to be open and to expect less and receive more!

joi, 18 martie 2010

Farewell my dear ones...for now!;)

Ok, it's officiaaaaaaaal ,I'm finally leaving tomorrow night! 4 days,24 hours each day of genuinely girl fun!!!!!!!Shopping sessions, photo shootings, drunk walking visiting everything!Yeah baby,bring it on!!!!!!

Scuzati entuziasmul excesiv dar sunt super happy!!!!!!!!De abia astept sa plec,sa vad,sa zbor mai ales.Macar dak singura nu pot,e buna si o cutie de metal care sa zboare cu mine :)....important e k mor de nerabdare sa simt senzatia de a fi deasupra norilor,plutind...fara griji si cu un singur scop in minte: Have fuuuuuuuuuuun!

Deja ma si vad hoinarind pe strazi ,facand poze,strambandu-ma in toate felurile si fredonand ce melodie imi vine  in minte pentru k guess what?Nu ma cunoaste nimeeeeeeni! Si nu trebuie sa pastrez nicio imagine,xcum italienii stiu k suntem un pic dusi cu pluta so....mai  bine asa decat hoti :))))))))
Aaa,si am uitat,o sa avem si camera de filmat deci o sa fim fiecare cate un VIP mic mic acolo asa cat sa ne gadilim orgoliul mai incolo:))
 Poze la intoarcere dragii mei,cu duiumul sper !
Tineti-mi pumnii,sa nu fie vreo bomba in avion,sa nu ma fure vreun italian psihopat sau nu cumva sa nu pic loc la geam!:))))))))))

I'm a little crazy I know!I know u love me!So long fellas!tha tha!;)

luni, 8 martie 2010


"Suntem femei. Piperul. Suspansul. Intuitia. Inspiratia. Iubirea. Exagerarea,...semnul intrebarii. Aer tare, poate prea tare...Paradoxul si nonsensul.Amintirea. Promisiunea zadarnica pe care nu o poti duce pana la capat. Alegerea si nascocirea. Puterea ascunsa in cantitate infinita sub un invelis casabil. Reinventarea neobosita, dusa pana la os , depusa cu fidelitate intr-un sertar obscur de  inima.
Suntem sotii, iubite, partenere de viata, femei in cautarea sufletului pereche,femei care stiu sa astepte, sa se grabeasca, sa nu renunte, sa nu uite sa se bucure de nimicurile grandioase care graviteaza peste tot in jurul lor. Femei care isi gasesc implinirea prin viata, femei care isi pun sufletul in trairile si rascolirile zilnice. Femei pe care nu le doboara un rid crescut in piele sau un lucru intamplat gresit.

Femeia pe care o iubesti nu este decat cealalta parte a ta: mai frumoasa, care te completeaza, care te implineste, care te face puternic, este asistenta ranilor tale.
Femeia pe care o iubesti respira iubire, traieste frumos,viseaza, canta, rade si plange odata cu tine.

Suntem oarecum viata... din cap pana in picioare viata."