Be the change you want to see in the world...

vineri, 5 februarie 2010

Hello people?Remember S.?No,i have a feeling you don't. That's because I haven't introduced her to you yet...she's an old friend, one of my favourite characters on this blog....she's the one in post no.7 (Everybody leaves one day)...S. is strong, feminine, slick, daring and deep....and she loves drama... that's why I simply love her....You should meet her too,she's a little bit of all of u....I'll be narrating pages of her dary for u to read every now and then...
Starting now....

It was one of those of those nights,one of those crazy nights when she gets out ...she was preparing for the same old drama,the same people with their painted faces,with their beautiful clothes...she was puting her red lipstick on and drawing a fine black line on her beautiful eyes ...she was ready...

Everybody was dancing,and chating and having a lovely time when she entered the room....for a moment they stopped....she was simply one of her black jewelery,no fancy hairstyle...just her, embracing that unique attitude she owned....She took a look around the room and smiled.In the next moment she had everyone at her feet...she lit the cigarrette,chosed a seat in the corner of the room staring at the entrance and waited....waited for him to come...

She was beginning to feel chills up and down her spine,to tremble softly...when she saw him....he was there, so confident, so ironic, so masculine ...for a moment she got scarred,she thought he's coming towards her....but no, he followed his same routes, saying hello to all the nice girls....but she was satisfied...she enjoyed watching,she liked his style, it was exciting...

She was beting with her self who's going to fall first...never knowing that at the end of the night she's going to be the only one truly falling...silently...

She pourred another glass of was already late...she was dancing when she felt his fingers in her hair...and down her neck...and her breath was accelerating.....she bit her lip,closed her eyes...counted to 10...and then...she just turned,and smile,kiss him goodnight on his soft left!

The night was over,it was time to go...just like a real Cinderella of our days!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1....You can wake up now! ;)

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