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marți, 7 septembrie 2010

Surprising people...story of my life

We meet people, we like them, we get to  know them, and somehow we get attached to them...wait!roll back!!...we meet people, we like them, we get attached and then we get to know them...Everybody knows I don't like surprises, maybe because I've had my share of bad surprises!Still...they seem to haunt me more and more...maybe I've lost my ability to "read" people or maybe it's been a long time since I last played my fool part.
Why do people tend to harm you when you've been nothing but nice to them?And why do people tend to harm you when they have nothing to gain?I could understand it if it's a matter of "I like you,but I like myself better",but otherwise?Just like that?
And it kinda hurts when you used to call them your friends..and you've treated them with kindness and respect,you'd think those things should be mutual but why should they?Is there an unwritten rule about that?No,so no strings attached!I want to understand, I really do but I'm afraid it is beyond,there's nothing left to do but mark the case closed and move on with your eyes wide open this time...till next time, when someone will be slicker than you and make a fool out of you again!;)

P.S.And...newsflash!: Men tend to like women with a big mouth...we DON"T appreciate the same attribute in matter of men!

2 comentarii:

  1. cum imi spuneai si tu mai asteptam la prea multe din partea unor persoane cu foarte multe defecte :) Lasa Bebe, ne facem noi mari si rele ;)

  2. m-am facut mare dar nu si suficient de rea se am invatat sa nu astept nimic de la nimeni dar nu mi se pare k manifestarea bunului simt ar trebui sa intre la categoria "favori" ...totusi!:)
